

第43回 日本分子生物学会年会にてポスター発表のお知らせ

2020年12月2日から4日までオンライン開催される 第43回 日本分子生物学会年会にてポスター発表を


会 期: 2020年12月2日(水)〜4日(金)
会 場: オンライン開催


演題番号 : 3LBA-067
セッション名: ポスター(Late-breaking Abstract) / 6-e 方法論・技術 - バイオインフォ マティクス・シングルセル解析・トランスオミクス
演 題 名: 細胞における代謝俯瞰解析の新しいアプローチ
日   時: 2020/12/04 13:15~15:15 ポスター(LBA)
演   者: ○ 飯島 寛1、森田 唯加2、菱木 貴子2、遠山 周吾2、的場 亮1
(1 DNAチッ プ研究所、2 慶應大・医)
概   要: 遺伝子発現プロファイリングは、細胞の特徴を理解するために非常に重要です。

Gene expression profiling is very important for understanding cellular characteristics.
In particular, by analyzing the whole network rather than single marker, we can clarify complex molecular mechanisms and understand their properties as a cell population.
In this research, we would like to present novel methods for genetic profiling and metabolic pathway analysis of cell lines with different differentiation efficiencies under various cell culture conditions were used to search for markers that distinguish cell characteristics.At first, we performed microarray analysis for gene expression profiling of various cells. We selected the probe for the genes more stability performance data, and used further analysis. Gene ontology analysis and pathway analysis were performed on the differentially expressed genes. Some of the network maker genes were identified for different cell type on differentiation efficiencies. Furthermore, by integrating with metabolite data, we identified which metabolic pathways were activated. We found that metabolic pathway extracted from gene expression data was highly correlated with metabolite data.
So, our novel methods would be powerful tool for understanding metabolic regulation in each cell types.
In the future, we will expand cell types to be analyzed and perform comparative analysis not only with metabolites but also with proteome data and etc.

Keywords: Gene expression profiling, Metabolic regulation